
Expand your tastebuds...

I was surfing the web yesterday, looking for different ways to spruce up my sack lunches, and I happened upon this website. I don't know how many vegans check this blog but I, for one, was intrigued by some of her lunch box treats.

Here's her links. (one is her "commercial link" and the other has recipes she makes for her kid)

The Vegan Lunch Box

Shmooed Food


Max Fam said...

Dani - are you Vegan? If so... I have lots of questions for you. Our baby is Vegan. Not by choice, of course. He has PKU.

Let me know so I can pick your brain.

Dani said...

I'm NOT vegan. I'm not even a vegetarian. :) But I do like vegetables and try to be more adventurous with my food.

Max Fam said...

i just tagged you on my food blog. go check it out.

Kimber said...

A vegan just happened upon your blog, thanks for the links.

Kimber said...

Oh, and if Maxfield family has any questions, I'm available. We have a 9 month old. littlesaplings.blogspot.com